City of Carmi, Illinois
City Council Meeting
City Council Chambers, 225 East Main Street
July 3, 2018, at 5:30 p.m.
1. Call to order by Mayor Pollard, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call.
3. Approve June 19, 2018, Council Meeting Minutes
4. For council consideration, discussion and possible approval:
A. Resolution 07.03.18-A: A resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code regarding Illinois Route 14.
B. Resolution 07.03.18-B: A resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code regarding street repair in various locations.
C. Façade Improvement Grant: Carmi Taekwondo, Ryan Marx owner
D. David Coston to discuss generator for Light Plant.
5. Reports and/or updates from Mayor Pollard.
6. Reports from Standing Committees.
7. Business or comments from visitors.
8. Closed Session to discuss property or personnel issues with no action to follow.
9. Adjournment