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Kiwanis Club Learns About Mentors 4 Kids

At their Thursday meeting, the Carmi Kiwanis Club heard from Katharine Bovenkerk with Mentors 4 Kids and Bart King, Principal at Carmi White County Jr. High. Bovenkerk told the club that Mentors 4 Kids serves several counties, including White. They work to match youth ages 7-17 with a mentor in the community. Matches are made looking for adults and youth with similar interests and must be the same gender.

Those interested in mentoring go through two background checks and an in-home interview. Mentors 4 Kids work to accommodate the mentor by finding an age range they are comfortable serving. Mentors serve six hours per month.

King told the club that the “needs are real” of the youth in our community. He also noted the we can bring change, but do so “one person at a time.” He noted many youth in the community need to have someone speak “words of life” to them.

For more information about Mentors 4 Kids, one may visit or call 618-252-1012.

In Club business, President Holly Healy told the club the Board voted for the Club to have a team in the Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Golf Tournament. Additionally, she told the club, Corn Day planning is well underway and that she is close to securing entertainment.