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FMH presents January Employee of the Month

Pictured is Mary McCulley, RN, CDE, FMH Med/Surg & ICU Nurse Manager presenting the January Employee of the Month Plaque to Jennifer Smith, RN.

Each month, Fairfield Memorial Hospital honors an employee who has exemplified outstanding patient care and customer service internally and externally.


In January, Jennifer Smith, RN, a night shift nurse on the Medical/Surgical Unit and Intensive Care Unit, was named Employee of the Month. Jennifer is an exceptional nurse and often receives compliments from patients and peers regarding the compassionate and level of care she provides. She is known to help guide newly graduated nurses on providing compassionate and high quality patient care.  She goes out of her way to ensure that they feel confident in their positions.  Jennifer exemplifies what it means to be an excellent nurse.  She is very caring, has patience, and is understanding of fellow staff and patients.  She accepts and manages assignments with experience and ease.  Most notable is the bedside care she delivers.  Jennifer is never too busy to take the time to hold a patient’s hand, to laugh or cry with them, or to teach patients and their caregivers what they need to know for a successful recovery.


“Jennifer is a nurse who delivers excellent patient care and is a good role model for her coworkers. We are fortunate to have Jennifer as part of our team and it is not surprising that her peers have nominated her for this honor,” stated Mary McCulley, RN, CDE, FMH Med/Surg & ICU Nurse Manager.