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Norris City Village Board holds short meeting to start 2018

The Norris City Village Board met Tuesday night for their January meeting.

The Board agreed to donate $750 to the Norris City Ambulance Service for insurance and upkeep of the ambulance building.

The non-highway vehicle ordinance was revised and approved. It eliminated the provision that the vehicles only be operated between sunrise and sunset. Vehicles must be certified by the village and if they are found in violation, may have their permit revoked for one year and can be reinstated only with approval of the Village Board.

Also, a policy prohibiting sexual harrassment was approved. It contained minor language differences to align with state law.

In an update on the TIF district, The Wild Bunch has signed an agreement for purchase of property and is ready for the tree removal to begin. There is no change in status of Do-Over Decor, and also no change in status with Shorty’s BBQ and they are working on obtaining a site to locate to.

In the police report for December, there were five reports written, no arrests made and one citation issued. There were also six 9-1-1 calls. Officers participated in the Cops and Kids at Walmart before Christmas. Officers Dale and Stokes delivered Christmas gifts from the Dollar General Toy Drive and Officer Tharp spoke to employees of WOVSED that make home visits to clients to discuss safety issues.

The next Village Board meeting will be on Monday, February 5th at 7 p.m.