The Enfield Village Board met a week earlier than usual due to the upcoming holiday week on Tuesday night
The Board approved replacement cost insurance on the Village Building from Rick Basinger effective December 20th with a $2,500 deductible and a yearly premium of $17,962. They also agreed to look and see if they can find a better deal with another company after the first of the year.
The steel light pole on the north side of Main Street is owned by Ameren. They’re going to install two new fiberglass LED street light poles after the state finishes their work.
The Board agreed to give out $200 cash bonuses for the holidays to all employees, as they did last year.
A resolution was approved that would grant a resident that wants to build on their property, a permit prior to construction, to make sure they aren’t building on an area owned by the Village.
Santa will again this season appear at the Village Building on Sunday, December 10th from 2 to 4 p.m. to visit with the kids. There will be refreshments and giveaways as well.
The Booth School wrote a thank you note to the Board for their help on Halloween.
A 15 minute executive session was held with no action taken.
Mayor Tom Harbor thanked all the employees for the great work they do and wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving.