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Grayville City Council continues to investigate water quality issues

The Grayville City Council met Monday night for their second meeting of September.  The Council approved pay requests on the water well project from Lemac Engineering in the amount of $7500 and from Kieffer Brothers for $77,078.25 unanimously.

Mayor Joe Bisch reported that the City continues to work on acquiring more abandoned properties for demolition and is continuing to review excess property for future sale.  Work also continues on a new uniform contract for City employees.

Trick or Treat hours were unanimously approved at 4 to 8 pm on Halloween.  An application by the Grayville VFW to solicit donations at the four way stop from 8am-12pm on October 7th was also approved unanimously. A permit for the Chamber of Commerce to hold the Christmas parade on November 25th was also approved.

The Council awarded demolition bids to Lamont Construction for work to begin at the City Park.  Demolition will start this week at the campground.

Commissioner David Jordan asked the Council about what specifically is being done to solve the water issues.  Mayor Bisch explained that they will flush and powerwash the water tower once the new well is online, and then will flush lines once again.  The City  is still trying to find the source of the silt entering the system, and it may be coming from the old wells.

The meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm.