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Kiwanis hear from CWC golf and volleyball coaches

Trey Mason and Dr. Penny Gunter updated the Carmi Kiwanis club Thursday on the Carmi-White County golf and volleyball teams.  The two were introduced by Holly Healy, Kiwanis president-elect. 

Trey Mason, 8th grade teacher and high school golf coach, said he is a life-long golfer that remembers being dropped off at the course in the summer for the whole day as a kid and he continued to play through college.  His love for working with kids led him to teaching and coaching multiple sports in Carmi-White County.

The golf team of six girls and seven boys is young this year, with only one senior, but Mason is confident they will perform well and continue to develop into a very competitive team over the next few years.  The team is facing a lot of older teams in their seven-regular season matches, but Mason said they have pulled together and had some very good scores so far.

Mr. Mason went on to thank members of the community for their continued support of the program.  He also thanked the country club board for their support and Dave Hall for how well the Carmi Golf Course is maintained.  Mason is very proud of what the team has done and will continue to do.

Dr. Penny Gunter, Volleyball Coach, opened with introducing herself to the group.  She began her career in Business, but later went into physical education and taught at NCOE.  She then continued her education and is now a Guidance Counselor at CWCHS.  Her first passion was softball, as she spent a lot of time playing ball with her brothers; however, volleyball has become her life passion with twenty-four years in the sport.

Dr. Gunter said she loves working with the current group of girls because they are all such good kids and athletes.  She is spending a lot of time developing drills and practice activities because the team is so talented already.  She has three seniors, five juniors, four sophomores and six freshmen this year.  At the varsity level, they are five and five and have already had some injuries and surgeries to overcome.

The team is starting to use a WIP program that is specifically designed for females and the types of injuries they are prone to experience.  Joyner Therapy also donated their services over the summer to provide the girls a functional analysis to key them in on injuries each could experience individually.  She also thanked Mr. Lee, the board, and the community for their continued support of the program.

On September 26th, CWC will host a Green and Black Out Night with all the money raised going to the families of Terry Baumgart and Cam Myers both of which are students in CWC battling cancer.

In Carmi Kiwanis Club business, the annual Corn Day celebration is right around the corner and plans continue to come together.  Stay tuned for additional details.  Club photo day is October 19th and Legion of Honor day is November 30th.  The meal was prepared by The Green Onion BBQ.