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CWC Unit 5 Board holds August meeting

The Carmi-White County Unit 5 Board of Education met for their regular August meeting on Monday night.  In the Superintendent’s report, Brad Lee noted that since the State still does not have a funding mechanism in place to distribute money to public schools, the District has already missed two state aid payments of about $400,000.

The roof work at Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington schools has been completed, as has the kitchen renovation at Brownsville school and the track resurfacing at the junior/senior high school. The new concession stand at the football field should be completed by the first home game this Friday. Lee thanked the booster club and private donors for funding the concession project.

Wabash General Hospital in Mt. Carmel will once again furnish a certified athletic trainer for home high school athletic events throughout the school year.

Lee also complimented the building custodians and office staff members and custodians for their work in preparing for the school year.

The Board decided not to consider a request from the Grayville school district to allow junior high and high school girls in Grayville to participate in basketball in Carmi. It would have required an intergovernmental agreement to establish a cooperative girls’ basketball program between the two districts.

In other business, a request from Brianne Douthitt under the family and medical leave act for a twenty day period at sub-pay deduction was approved. It would begin on about September 22nd and she would return to work on January 2nd of next year.

And five board policies were preliminarily adopted as amended, with final action set at the September board meeting.

The Board went into closed session at 7:20 p.m.  In the closed session, the Board agreed unanimously to a separation agreement with Scott Conner.  William Knight was employed the junior high assistant baseball coach and Valarie Reed-Johnson was employed as the bus stop supervisor. The Board approved Jeremy Smiddie as a District archery coach and John Choate as a junior high assistant baseball coach.

The Board will meet again on September 18th.