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White County Board considers investment in tourism advertising

The White County Board met for their regular August meeting Tuesday night at the White County Courthouse.

Ambulance Service Director Adam Allen was not present, as he was attending the Wayne County Board meeting after it was announced that their Board wished to dissolve a mutual aid agreement.  Board member Ken Usery reported that the Ambulance Service did not receive their Medicare/Medicaid payment this month, but is projected to break even when that payment is made.

The 2016 tax bills are out, and White County has already collected more than $1 million.

Progress on the new 9-1-1 signs is coming along according to Board member Don Puckett.

Cindy Conley and Kathy Sands, who were appointed by the Board to represent White County with IllinoiSouth Tourism brought forth a proposal to invest in advertising with the group in an effort to boost White County’s visibility in their publications next year. Board Chairman David Dosher said that they would take it into advisement.

The Board unanimously approved the appointment of Nancy Buttry to a three year term on the Egyptian Health Department Board, and unanimously approved an amendment to the Cafeteria Plan managed by Nyhart to bring the plan into compliance with federal law.

With no executive session, the meeting adjourned at 7:29 pm and the White County Board will meet again at 9 am on September 12 at the White County Courthouse.