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Fireworks to highlight Independence Day Festivities in Carmi

The Carmi Chamber of Commerce is once again partnering with the City of Carmi and area businesses and individuals for the annual fireworks show which will begin at 9 pm at the White County Fairgrounds on July 4. This year’s display will be by Jarrett Pyrotechnics from Evansville, Indiana. Local baseball fans may be familiar with some of their work as they produce many of the Evansville Otters fireworks displays.

Part of this year’s approximate 20 minute display will include golden horse tails, Silver time rain crossettes, 5″ American made Salutes, Red White & Blue Ring shells, 1000 whistling dragons, Diadem Chrysanthemums, Willows and color bees.

The Chamber is accepting donations toward the $11,500 display. Those wishing to contribute should mail a check to the Carmi Chamber of Commerce, 225 E Main Street, Carmi, IL 62821.

The display would not be possible without the cooperation of the White County Agriculture Society, Carmi Fire Department, Carmi Police Department, White County Sheriff’s Department and the White County Ambulance Service.

“While traffic patterns will remain the same as years past, no parking will be allowed inside the White County Fairgrounds,” stated Carmi Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Holly Healy “The Chamber of Commerce encourages you to take advantage of the opportunities we have here at home and enjoy our local fireworks display,” added Healy.