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Forensic Falcons Continue Winning Streak—Victory at Regionals

Pictured (front row, l-r) are Cassidy Maynard, Nick Cofield and Shannon Welker. Second row (l-r): Rachael Hooven and Haley Rushing. Third row (l-r): Noah Taylor, Chanse Tullis and Carrice McDaniel. Fourth row (l-r): Gabe Motsinger, Kaydee Dycus, Joli Murphy and Shay Wood.

Southeastern Illinois College Forensic Falcons bested competitors from across Illinois on March 24-25 to win the Phi Rho Pi Regional Four Championship Speech Tournament in Chicago Heights, Illinois. This win was the final tournament before the team heads into the Phi Rho Pi National Tournament in Washington, D.C.

The team captured a gold medal in overall competition after earning both a gold medal in individual events and a silver medal in debate. The team also produced the top two individual competitors at the tournament, with sophomore Rachael Hooven and freshman Shannon Welker tying for first place in individual sweepstakes. Notably, every member of the regional team advanced to elimination rounds.

The regional tournament served as the Falcons’ last competition before their upcoming public showcase, Night Before Nationals, on April 4 at 7:30 p.m. Community members are invited to the George T. Dennis Visual & Performing Arts Center on SIC’s campus for an evening of speech performances. Tickets are a $5 suggested donation for students and community members. Proceeds from the event support the team as it travels to the Phi Rho Pi National Tournament in Washington, D.C. April 9-15.

“The regional tournament gives us one final opportunity to test our material before the national tournament,” noted Director of Forensics Paul Cummins.

Coaches Dr. Tyler Billman and Jenny Billman agreed.

“It’s an important part of our schedule. We’re proud of the way the students prepared for regionals,” Cummins continued.

Individual results from the tournament are as follows.

Shannon Welker, Harrisburg — First in individual sweepstakes (tied with Hooven), gold in informative speaking, gold in extemporaneous speaking, gold in impromptu speaking, gold in debate speaker points

Rachael Hooven, Harrisburg — First in individual sweepstakes (tied with Welker), gold in dramatic interpretation, gold in speech to entertain, gold in prose

Cassidy Maynard, Harrisburg — Fourth individual sweepstakes, gold in communication analysis, gold in prose interpretation, silver in informative speaking

Gabe Motsinger, Carrier Mills — Gold in speech to entertain, silver in prose interpretation, silver in dramatic interpretation

Shay Wood, Shawneetown — Gold in impromptu speaking, gold in debate speaker points, silver in IPDA debate

Nick Cofield, Carrier Mills — Gold in extemporaneous speaking, silver in IPDA debate, silver in impromptu speaking

Chanse Tullis, Springerton — Gold in prose interpretation, bronze in duo interpretation, bronze in dramatic interpretation

Carrice McDaniel, Harrisburg – Gold in persuasive speaking

Haley Rushing, Marion — Silver in prose interpretation, silver in informative speaking, bronze in communication analysis, bronze in persuasive speaking

Kaydee Dycus, Mount Vernon — Silver in communication analysis, silver in poetry, silver in speech to entertain

Noah Taylor, Eldorado — Silver in poetry speaking, silver in persuasive speaking

Joli Murphy, Springerton — Bronze in duo interpretation, bronze in dramatic interpretation