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Norris City Village Board addresses property cleanup

Kurt Daine of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources office in Pope County addressed the Board concerning the algae problem at the lake. The Village and the DNR both have chemicals to treat the algae and will closely monitor the situation. The lake is okay for now and the algae will not need to be treated until about the end of May when the weather is warmer, as the treatment is more effective in warmer waters. They can then restock the lake with fish.

There are still some properties in town that need to be cleaned up and have vehicles removed. The mayor will send out notices to offenders, but the police have to enforce the law and write up tickets to those that don’t comply.

The Village will again ask for bids on the surplus two-ton International truck.

The Board agreed to pay the $50 renewal fee for the outfield sign sponsored by the Village at the NCOE baseball field and to donate the same amount as last year to the NCOE all-night drug and alcohol-free party to be held Friday, May 19th.

Board member Jack Johnson was appointed to the Beaty/Hullett Field Committee.

The TIF district joint review meeting was held Monday morning. There is a business interested in the lot across from the Post Office. The gas tanks have been removed and the Village will use TIF money to remove any contaminants there may be remaining in the ground.

The petition of adverse possession is complete and the Village now has total ownership of the water tower.

The Village will look into obtaining some infrastructure grants from the greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission for water and sewer projects.

The Board approved a new three year gas contract with Utility Gas Management.

In the police report for February, there were eight reports written, zero arrests made and three speeding citations issued, and there were eight 9-1-1 calls.

In the animal control report, there was one stray dog and six stray cats caught.

A brief executive session was held and the Board decided to give the temporary office helper a raise to $10 an hour.

The next Village Board meeting will be on Monday, April 3rd at 7 p.m.