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Hamilton Memorial Hospital Foundation “Careers in Healthcare” Scholarship Applications Now Available

Hamilton Memorial Hospital Foundation “Careers in Healthcare” Scholarship applications are now available to graduating seniors from Hamilton County Senior High, Carmi-White County High School, and Norris City- Omaha- Enfield High School.

As in previous years, the Foundation will offer a minimum of one $1,000 scholarship to seniors looking to pursue a career in healthcare from each of the schools.

In addition, they will include one $1,000 scholarship to a home schooled student from both White County and Hamilton County. One $500 scholarship will also be available to a past recipient from White or Hamilton County that has chosen to continue their healthcare education.

“It is very important for small communities, like ours, to ensure their students have ample resources to pursue a career in healthcare. With the shortage of physicians in rural areas, this scholarship creates an advantage for our youth and the future”, says Foundation President, Bobbin Lasater.

The deadline to turn in applications is April 14th. For more information, contact any of the school guidance offices, Michele Bivins, Foundation Manager, or visit

This scholarship is made possible by the donors of the Annual Foundation Golf Scramble. Healthcare providers and local businesses and community members helped raise over $6,000 at the September 2016 event. The Foundation looks to continue the event to raise funds for local seniors on their path to a healthcare career.