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Illinois Selected to Participate in National Criminal Justice Reform Project

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) Executive Director John Maki today announced Illinois’ selection for participation in the National Criminal Justice Reform Project (NCJRP).

The NCJRP offers technical assistance to states in the planning and implementation of data-driven, evidence-based practices in the areas of pretrial reform, re-entry and offender recidivism, mental health and substance abuse, reducing incarceration, and information sharing.

Selected by the National Criminal Justice Association Center for Justice Planning (NCJP) and the National Governors Association (NGA Center), Illinois was one of just three states chosen for participation from more than 20 applicants across the country.

“We are honored to be a part of the National Criminal Justice Reform Project,” said Executive Director Maki. “This partnership will be invaluable as Illinois works to fully integrate evidence-based practices that ensure a fair and cost-effective criminal justice system and improve public safety.”

Through the project and with the assistance of an advisory board of national experts, the Governor’s Office and ICJIA will lead teams of policymakers and key stakeholders on a strategic planning process for advancing reforms within the state’s executive branch. The process will enable the Illinois Executive Branch to address priorities, enhance decision-making, and achieve system-wide improvements in areas where governors can drive change.

“Protecting the public’s safety is of paramount importance to Governor Rauner,” said Rodger Heaton, Public Safety Director. “The state’s selection for this grant reflects the many efforts underway to improve our public safety system in sustainable, measurable ways.”

The state’s selection for this project underscores bold efforts underway in Illinois to reform its criminal justice system. Since taking office, Governor Bruce Rauner has signed 15 criminal justice reform bills. Also in 2015, the Governor created the Illinois State Commission on Criminal Justice and Sentencing Reform, an initiative to reduce Illinois’ incarcerated population by 25 percent by 2025.

ICJIA is dedicated to improving the administration of criminal justice through work in the areas of grants administration, research and analysis, policy and planning, and information systems and technology. Visit