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Jordan assumes leadership of Carmi Kiwanis Club

Alan Saunders (left) welcomes Jeremy Jordan Thursday as his successor as president of the Kiwanis Club of Carmi.

Story and Photos courtesy of Barry Cleveland

Jeremy Jordan joined the long list of men and women who have led Carmi’s oldest civic club when he was installed Thursday as the president of the Kiwanis Club of Carmi.

The annual installation of officers was conducted by Dr. Frank Barbre, a past president of the club, with the assistance of Keith Hoskins, a former lieutenant governor of Kiwanians. Jordan succeeds Alan Saunders as the club’s chief executives; Kiwanis presidents serve one-year terms.

The men and women who will lead the Kiwanis Club of Carmi in the coming year were installed in office Thursday by Dr. Frank Barbre and congratulated by past Lt. Gov. Keith Hoskins (left). Left to right, they are Katelynn Wolff, Alan Saunders, Andrea Hays, Amy McCarthy, Kati Sturgal, Doug Hays, Nick Knight, Steve Winkleman, Eric Rahlfs, Holly Healy, Justin Dartt and Jeremy Jordan.

Holly Healy takes over from Jordan as the Kiwanis president-elect, while Katelynn Wolff is the new first vice president and Eric Rahlfs its second vice president.  Kati Sturgal returns as secretary and Steve Winkleman as treasurer.

Board members beginning their two-year terms are Lawrence Martin and Matt Lamont (who also served from 2014 to the present), plus newcomers Nick Knight and Justin Dartt. Board members serving from 2015 to 2017 are Andrea Hays, Doug Hays, Amy McCarty and Greg Grant.

Dr. Amy Dixon and Greg Stewart are stepping down from the board.

Barbre noted that this has been a year of change. David Port, who was in line to become Kiwanis president, resigned from the club and moved to Georgia. Wolff stepped up from secretary to second vice president, and Sturgal agreed to become secretary.

Barbre thanked the past and present officers and directors for their service, and he also expressed appreciation to longtime Kiwanian Jim Davis (who was not present), who stepped up a year ago to assume the position of Kiwanis Division 33 lieutenant governor. It had been quite a number of years since a Carmi Kiwanian had volunteered to assume that responsibility.

Saunders thanked all those who helped make the past year successful—including members of the Kiwanis high school affiliate, the CWCHS Key Club–and Jordan said he looks forward to helping the club “do great things for our community.”
The installation took place during the club’s weekly luncheon meeting, held at the Farm Bureau Building in Carmi. Yesterday’s catered the luncheon.

Prior to the installation, Saunders invited anyone present to offer feedback about the Corn Day celebration the prior weekend. Rod Matsel noted that the venerable Corn Car had to pull out of the parade at Olive Street, owing to a fan belt problem. That has been fixed, he said, but he added that the club could use a newer Volkswagen “beetle” to mount the “ear of corn” to it prior to the 2017 parade season.

In the “good news” segment of the meeting, Toby Brown noted that Kiwanian Dave Matheny recently completed a triathlon, which includes long stretches of biking and swimming, as well as a 26-mile run.
Bob Endicott won the 50-50 drawing, splitting a jackpot of $32 with the club.