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Grayville City Council sets Trick or Treat hours at Monday meeting

The Grayville City Council met for the first time in October on Monday night.  Trick or Treat hours for Grayville were set for Sunday, October 30th and Halloween night on Monday at 4 – 8 pm each night. The Lions Club will hold their festivities on Monday night as well.

The Council agreed to publish a job opening for a payroll clerk.  The deadline to apply is Friday, October 21st at 1 pm.  Cindy Judge is leaving her position to start her own business, and would like to be able to train the new hire.

The Council approved an application from Sharon Mossberger for Lot 11 in the Frost Acres subdivision, and approved a motion to accept bids on an automated meter reader for both water and sewer when the City is ready to go ahead with that program.

A bid by Cheyenne Diving to clean and repair the water tower for $32,000 was approved.  Mayor Bisch said the true cost should come in under that amount, and that the tower would receive a special coating where it was needed.

The liquor ordinance was amended by a 3-1 vote to create a new Class B license for Chappy’s in addition to the existing license they hold to cover both restaurant and tavern operations.

The Council approved the sale by sealed bid of the old Ford garage at 116 N. Middle Street.  Bisch said that he hoped the proceeds would be used to construct a new pole barn at the old sewer plant.  Bids will be accepted until the date of the first November Council meeting on the 14th.

The Council also gave approval to apply for an Abandoned Residential Housing Grant that caps at $75,000 from the Illinois Housing Development Agency.

In the police report, during September Grayville officers answered 169 calls for service and opened 16 case files.  They made nine arrests, issued 22 citations, and 15 written warnings.  Officers also filed one traffic crash report, and towed four vehicles.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm, and the Council meets next on October 24th at 7 pm.