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IECC Board of Trustees Meeting – 08-16-2016

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community Colleges approved a tentative budget for the 2017 Fiscal Year, Tuesday, August 16, at the regular meeting, held at Olney Central College.

            A public hearing on the budget will be held at the regular meeting, Tuesday, September 20, at Wabash Valley College.  The final budget will be adopted following the public hearing.

            The IECC tentative budget represents the current and best judgement of the district administration relative to anticipated revenues for fiscal year 2017.  It was based on information available at the time of publication.  If new information becomes available, those changes will be made to the final budget on September 20.

            Due to the death of Board Vice Chairman Marilyn Wolfe, the Board elected Brenda Culver to serve as Vice Chairman until the next election.

            Trustees approved the updated Technology Plan for FY2017 through FY2021. The Plan was developed by the Technology Committee and establishes a blueprint that sets forth IECC’s Information Technology vision, its strategic directions, and the action plans for supporting the academic experience of students and strengthening the educational mission of faculty and staff.

The Technology Plan is grouped into the categories of administrative systems, networking infrastructure, telecommunications, software, and other technology resources. The plan reviews the progress on FY2016 projects and sets the goals for FY2017-FY2021.

The Board approved the schedule of dates for the Trustee Election to be held April 4, 2017.  The 6-year terms of Gary Carter and Brenda Culver are up and Jan Ridgely, appointed Board member, will run for a 4-year term.  All three trustees holding office are expected to seek reelection.

            Existing athletic training services contracts for FCC, OCC, and WVC were approved for renewal with Wabash General Hospital and Richland Memorial Hospital for an additional one-year period to cover athletic training services for the three colleges for the academic year 2016-2017.  The Board previously approved the athletic training service contract between LTC and Crawford Memorial Hospital.

            Employee Health and Dental Insurance benefits to be offered under a Marketplace system were approved for the 2017 calendar year.  The IECC faculty union has tentatively agreed to this change.

           An affiliation agreement was approved for all of IECC’s Health Occupations Programs with SSM Health facilities.

            The following personnel were employed:

Andrea Puckett, Coordinator of Financial Aid, OCC, effective September 1.

Barbara Webster, Coordinator of Financial Aid, LTC, effective August 24.

Benjamin Deaton, Library Assistant, OCC, effective August 17, 2016

Heather Moore, Academic Counselor, TRIO Student Support Services, DO/LTC, effective August 18.

            The employment status of Ashlee Spannagel was changed from Retention Coordinator, FCC to Program Director, Grants, Compliance & Outreach, DO/WRC, effective August 22.

            The resignation ratification was approved for Heather Hagen, Library Assistant, OCC, effective August 6.

            Next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at Wabash Valley College, Mt. Carmel, on Tuesday, September 20, at 7 p.m.