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Marionette #2

Wabash Valley College and the Wabash Valley Arts Council are pleased to bring The Cashore Marionettes to the Brubeck Theatre for a 7 o’clock performance on Thursday, April 7.

In the performance Life in Motion, Joseph Cashore presents his collection of marionette masterworks. Characters of depth, integrity, and humanity are portrayed in a full evening unlike anything else in theater today. The performance is a series of scenes taken from every-day life and set to music by composers such as Beethoven, Vivaldi, Strauss, and Copland. Through a combination of virtuoso manipulation, humor, pathos, classic music and poetic insight, The Cashore Marionettes take the audience on a journey that celebrates the richness of life. Life in Motion is a powerful, entertaining, surprising, theatrically satisfying, one-of-a-kind evening for adults and young adults. Mr. Cashore has been designing and performing his remarkable marionettes for over 30 years.

Marionette #3Commenting on how it all began, artist Joseph Cashore states …. “When I was ten or eleven years old, my parents took me into a large gift shop at the New Jersey shore while we were on vacation. This is where I first saw a marionette in person. It was hanging from the ceiling—a pirate, colorfully dressed. I remember looking at this marionette for a long time, imagining the possibilities. It was hanging high out of my reach. I was naturally shy, and my family had moved on to somewhere else in the store, so I had to work up all my courage to ask the saleswoman if I could try moving the marionette. She turned me down.” The rest is history!

Mr. Cashore has received numerous awards for his accomplishments. He has been awarded the highest honor an American puppeteer can receive, a UNIMA Citation of Excellence. UNIMA states that Citations are “awarded to shows that touch their audiences deeply; that totally engage, enchant, and enthrall.”

Come see why audiences on three continents have given rave reviews to The Cashore Marionettes! Tickets are $10 and are available at [email protected], or by calling 618-263-5124. Patron Passes will be honored.