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NCOE School Board makes personnel decisions at March meeting

Personnel issues highlighted the NCOE Board of Education meeting last evening.  As they have done for the past several years, the Board voted to send Reduction In Force (RIF) letters to 18 aides and 1 van driver.  Superintendent Matt Vollman told the Board that the state funding continues to be uncertain, and the administrators felt this was a necessary step.

At this time, Vollman told the Board that it is not necessary to RIF any additional employees.  The Board voted to re-employ all certified staff and remaining non-certified staff for next year.  All three building principals and Vollman were also retained for the 2016-17 school year.

The Board accepted the resignation of Afton Poole as High School cheer coach and will post the position for next year.  Jana Bolin was employed as a bus driver for next year, pending final license requirements.  Mrs. Bolin was also employed, due to a resignation received in January,  to finish out the year as a Pre-K individual aide at Booth.

High School Principal Todd Haley reported that Lexi Money finished 2nd in computer science at WYSE Sectional competition at SIUC, and she qualified for state competition.

The music department will hold their Spring Arts concert on Friday, April 22.  The Student Council will hold the all-school cookout on March 24.

On February 26, the High School hosted a Career Fair for students.  Ten local speakers presented information to the students about their career.   Annette Braden, High School Guidance Counselor, coordinated this successful event.

Carla Carter, Booth Principal, reminded the Board that Booth School will hold a 5K walk/run on April 23.  Registration for “Bookin’ It for Books”  is now underway and there will be awards given in several age groups.  This is a fundraiser to purchase books for the library.

A dance will be held April 8, and admission will be a can for food to be donated to the Ronald McDonald House in Evansville.

A student book club has begun at Booth, called the “Booth Bookies”.  This group has been active in reading with K-4th students and involving the school in various reading activities.

NCO Principal David Flechs told the Board that NCO will host a 4-team volleyball regional on March 22.  Winner will advance to state on April 2.

A History Fair was held March 3, and the Board commended Mr. Foster for doing such a good job and making this a positive learning experience for students.  There were almost  50 projects from 7th and 8th grade students.  Of those, 20 will advance to the Regional Fair at SIUC on April 16.

On Friday, March 11, the White County Sheriff’s office, along with local police officers, conducted an active shooter drill at NCO.  Students were dismissed at 11 and building principals met with their faculty and staff to review crisis plans in each building.  After the drill, law enforcement met with all district staff to discuss what had taken place and answer any questions they might have.  Supt. Vollman told the Board there is no way to prepare completely for such an event, but our hope is to keep our students as safe as possible.

In other business the Board–

–Awarded the mowing bid to Sharps Landscape.

–Approved the 2016-17 school calendar.

–Renewed the membership with IHSA.