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SIC Students Win Scholarships at SIUC Accounting Challenge

Southeastern Illinois College accounting students had an opportunity to win scholarship money from Southern Illinois University Carbondale during their 18th annual Accounting Challenge for high school students as well as community college transfers.

Out of the four scholarships given by SIUC to community college students, two of them were given to students currently attending SIC. Sophomore Megan Cain of Harrisburg won first place and received a $500 scholarship while sophomore Olivia Christian also of Harrisburg won third, receiving a $200 scholarship.

“It was a great opportunity to experience the SIU campus as well as meet some of the staff that I may be working with in the future,” said Cain. “This scholarship will be a big help for the next phase of my education. Anyone who has an interest in accounting at SIU should seek to participate; if for nothing more than the learning experience.”

Christian echoed, “The Accounting Challenge was a fun way to learn valuable insight about the College of Business. It was exciting to be among that many perspective business majors.”

Close to 300 students from 23 schools participated this year, with three of them being teams from local community colleges. The community colleges took the advanced exam which consisted of financial and managerial accounting. The exam had 60 questions and out of the community college students, there was a high score of 42 and a low score of 15 with an average score of 28.

“I really enjoy attending and would like to congratulate these SIC students on a successful Accounting Challenge,” said Kelsie Bond, SIC business instructor.  “I am very proud of my students, and want to wish them luck in all future endeavors.”

For further information on SIC’s business program contact Kelsie Bond at 618-252-5400 ext. 2322 or at [email protected].