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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Three White County Historical Society Museums Open on Corn Day

On Corn Day in Carmi you will be able to visit three White County Historical Society museums from 11 am to 2 pm. In addition, you can include the ever-popular Corn Tasting event at Ratcliff Inn beginning at 11 am until 1 pm or until the food is gone. Tasting plates are $2 each and then you can view the exhibits upstairs in the old Ratcliff Inn where Abraham Lincoln once spent the night.

The L. Haas Store Museum on Main Street and the Robinson Stewart House on Main Cross will also be open 11 to 2. The original 2 rooms of Robinson Stewart House were built in 1814, making it the oldest house in White County, and the L. Haas Store includes countless relics from White County history as well as the local exhibits which were prepared when the Historical Society hosted traveling Smithsonian exhibits in 2005 and 2008.