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Carmi Council to Convene Tuesday, September 3rd

Carmi Council members will gather this coming Tuesday for their first meeting of September.  Hard to believe another month has come and gone.  For council consideration, Resolution 19.09.03…it’s a proposed TIF agreement with Subway.  Council will also consider any bids that have come in on their used Case IH C 100 tractor.  And that does it for new matters on the agenda.
We’re attempting to get a hold of the audio from the previous meeting’s public hearing which was right before the council meeting.  We’ve come to learn that it was a much more heated debate than previously thought.  Our reporter arrived just a bit before the regular meeting was to get underway and was under the impression the “heated argument” that he was told had occurred in the hearing was tongue in cheek.
Au Contraire…since then, we’ve learned it was in fact quite a lively verbal sparring with allegations of money used at Burrells Woods instead of where at least one resident felt it should be spent in Ward 3.  Heretofore, the Carmi City Clerk has been too busy to get us the public record audio that would hold the exchange, but we’ll continue to seek it and we’re reaching out to a resident who was involved in the argument.  We’ll also talk to the mayor on Tuesday, if not before, to get his take.
We’ll see if it all comes up again following this coming Tuesday’s reports and updates from Mayor Pollard and standing committees when visitors get their turn to address council.  There is a closed session on Tuesday’s agenda for discussion of personnel and property issues.  No action is expected to follow.