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City of Grayville Meeting Recap 7-8-19

The City of Grayville is getting its own mini excavator, is exploring putting fencing around it’s City Dumpster, and will have it’s three water wells sanitized.  That and other news came out of Monday night’s regular City Council meeting.  To kick things off, Jim Closson on behalf of the Risk Management Team for the IMLRMA gave council it’s first update since October of last year.   Council will lease a John Deere mini excavator for the next 3 years from Erb Equipment out of Mt. Vernon, IL.  The 36 month agreement comes at a cost of 3 annual payments of $6,826.59 and comes with a purchase option at the end of the lease.

In other matters, Council decided to table the building of a fence around the Grayville City Dumpster.  After getting bids from Lucas Fencing and Kiefer, the sticking point seemed to come in charging in city residents a usage fee for the dumpster.  Commissioner Don Baldwin says he’s all for charging out of towners, but is concerned an extra charge will lead people to stop utilizing it.  Commissioner David Jordan eventually made a motion to table the matter until later due to the city’s contract with Republic  coming up for renewal in coming months.

Beyond that, City Ordinance 874 was unanimously adopted establishing a policy on non-employees in city vehicles and equipment.  The policy follows what neighboring Fairfield recently passed.  Mayor Thompson reported no bids have come in yet on the demolition of abandoned properties agenda item.

Baldwin said the city needed to purchase 3 new life jackets, a throwing cushion , a tote to keep those items in and potentially 50 foot of rope to attach to that cushion.  The measure passed without argument.

Commissioner Tyler Howell updated council on the city’s water well maintenance saying the wells were due for an EPA mandated cleaning and sanitation.  The cost will be $18,028 per well, of which Grayville will have 3 total functioning wells.  Well 3 will be capped.  Wells 1, 4 and 5 will be cleaned and sanitized.

Also at last night’s meeting, Grayville made official the promotion of Officer Shannon Trusty from her probationary period to an official patrol officer.

Mayor Thompson also says the city has been approved for it’s nuisance permit and will assist residents with the removal of unwanted critters.  Commissioner Baldwin mentioned earlier in the meeting he had tracked down live trap costs, finding sturdy ones for $45 each.  Grayville Council adjourned around 10 minutes before 8pm with no executive session.