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Big D & Bubba
Big D & Bubba
4:00am - 9:00am

High Winds Cause Local Damage

High Winds Cause Local Damage


The National Weather Service has indicated reports of damage to buildings around the area were likely caused by high wind shears and not a tornado.

High winds moved across the Tri-state Thursday morning and while there have been numerous reports of damage, here in White County that damage seems to be worse in the Springerton area.

A number of roofs were reportedly damaged in the village on the west edge of White County and several sheds and other buildings received damage in the storm.

And while the winds were blamed for a number of incidents, the heavy rain also caused some problems.

High water on a number of roadways around the area forced drivers to find alternate routes.

Numerous storm warnings were issued throughout the morning along with flood advisories for most of Southern Illinois and portions of southwest Indiana and western Kentucky.

Authorities are reminding area motorists to be mindful of standing water in some locations. It was also pointed out with the temperatures dropping overnight into the teens there may be isolated slick spots, especially on bridges and overpasses.

Motorists are reminded to use caution this morning on their way to work, school or other appointments.