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Corn Growers Seminar Friday

Corn Growers Seminar Friday

The 35th annual Corn Growers Seminar has been set for this Friday, January 4, 2019. As always, the seminar will be held at the Ruritan Building in GeƋ, according to Gregg Barnard, Wayne County Corn Growers President. The seminar is free and is open to the public. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., with coƋee and rolls. The program starts at 9:00 a.m. with timely topics such as lime and nutrient availability for crops, updates on crop insurance, using the maximum return to nitrogen recommendations system in Illinois, marketing tips from local elevators, and how to apply to be a STAR farm.

Bruce Henrikson of Champaign County Soil and Water Conservation District, will provide an overview on how to become certified in Saving Tomorrows Agriculture Resources (S.T.A.R). S.TA.R is free tool to assist farm operators and land owners in evaluating their nutrient and soil loss management practices on individual ƌelds. Wabash Valley Stewardship Alliance is launching the program in Southeast Illinois. WVSA has modiƌed the original Champaign County S.T.A.R program so it reƍects the farming practices of southeastern Illinois.

John Pike of Pike Ag, LLC and Kelly Robertson of Precision Crop Services will also round out the lineup of speakers scheduled for this Friday.

A free fried chicken and roast beef dinner will be served at noon by the Ruritans. Following lunch, Dale Durchholz, Senior Market Analyst of AgriVisor, will provide the Marketing Outlook. Dale began his career with AgriVisor in 1986 and has done research/analysis of all the agricultural markets during his career. He prepares and edits the “Cash Strategist” for the Illinois Farm Bureau FarmWeek and Iowa Spokesman.